*** 21/11/2022 ***
Modified Acrobat scanning function to clear SubTitle which was being repeated on some reports
*** 05/04/2022 ***
Modified Verify_status functions to include return date.
*** 29/03/2022 ***
Modified Excel export of current documents report (for web interface) to use .csv file to get past 16384 row limit.
*** 26/10/2021 ***
Added Status and not Status to Documents Issued reports in web interface
*** 08/09/2021 ***
Added Document Number Criteria for Document Issue Sheet.
*** 25/08/2021 ***
Added file name contains criteria to Documents with attachment report for web interface.
*** 15/07/2021 ***
Added ability to issue and distribute documents directly from a transmittal note (for ADMINS only).
*** 10/02/2021 ***
Added ability to manage users from Project Directory.
*** 01/12/2020 ***
Introduced Document Review Packages - DRiPs.
DRiPs are there to help technical users with the job of review and approval of documents,
enabling a user to request a DRiP for a number of documents and then receive an Acrobat
PDF containing the document itself, the distribution of that and any comments on it plus
all the marked up comment files, along with the same for the previous revision of the same document.
This package puts in one place all the information needed to compare the current revision
with the previous one and ensure that any comments on that have been fully integrated into
the current revision.
*** 02/11/2019 ***
Updated file upload system for the DocElite web sites to use HTML5 instead of the out of favour Adobe Flash
*** 13/11/2018 ***
New feature for web interface for DocElite - added ability to set the general menu colours for a portal and for a given project.
Also gave system a facelift with new button styling.
*** 01/11/2018 ***
A new optional feature has been added to DocElite, the ability to compare two PDF files online and see the differences.
This is very much in the trial phase at the moment while we find the best file comparator to do the job.
*** 25/05/2018 ***
The GDPR comes in to force today.
All DocElite web portals have been given a rider with help on how to contact Portal Subscribers.
The Finedata Limited data protection policy is available
*** 06/04/2017 ***
Added feature to the DocElite Web Interface allowing additional control of who can edit
query and response sheets.
*** 17/10/2016 ***
Updated the DocElite Web Interface Modified narrative for closing out submissions to make it clearer
*** 13/10/2016 ***
Updated the DocElite Web Interface modified current documents report to try and highlight when the document status is in conflict with oe of the commenters (i.e. LRev says A and another user says C)
*** 14/09/2016 ***
Updated DocElite Web Interface Modified documents issued report to colour it up in line with the main register and to allow for the selection of groups of people SUBs, Designers etc.
*** 15/03/2015 ***
Added Document Filename recognition feature to the DocElite Web Interface cutting down the amount of
typing users have to do when completing document submission details.
*** 10/03/2015 ***
A new 'buk uploading' feature added to the DocElite Web Interface enabling users to upload 1-100 files
in advance of completing the document submission details.
*** 31/12/2014 ***
Added Excel listings for suppliers and customers to Optech System
*** 17/12/2014 ***
Added test for raisedby not to approve orders and quotations on Optech System
*** 09/12/2014 ***
Added std delivery terms to quotations - along with a button to add them again if deleted - on Optech System
*** 21/10/2014 ***
Modified layout of despatch notes to break printed name from date on Optech System
*** 16/10/2014 ***
Added criteria to docs issued to enable only commented on documents to show
*** 09/10/2014 ***
Added columns to submission summary to enable users to see amount of time taken to process
*** 29/09/2014 ***
Modified layout of documents awaiting approval report to correctly count number of documents by reviewer
*** 23/09/2014 ***
Added status criteria to current documents report on web interface
*** 18/08/2014 ***
Added ability to create pdf from selected incoming submissions
*** 15/08/2014 ***
Added ability for report scanner to advise that no attachments were available
*** 14/08/2014 ***
Added ability for report scanner to combine pdfs into single file and deliver to web client
*** 30/07/2014 ***
Modified approvals summary report to include non-reviewers who review
*** 17/07/2014 ***
Modified documents not issued report from web interface to support selection by part of title, reason for issue and to create spreadsheet
*** 18/06/2014 ***
A feature enabling ADMINs to upload a spreadsheet to create 'Document Placeholders' for an Information Release Schedule has been added to the DocElite Web Interface
*** 01/06/2014 ***
A new online system is 'on-the-drawing-board' 3D Reporting is designed to enable users to develop very flexible mechanisms to monitor and expedite multi-event
*** 12/11/2013 ***
A 'shopping basket' has been added to the DocElite Web Interface enabling internal and admin users to select random documents across
a number of originators and then perform functions on them (issue & distribute, request prints, download attachments).
*** 16/05/2013 ***
QR Barcoding has been introduced for users of the DocElite web interface. Documents can be 'stamped' with a QR barcode after acceptance onto the
Users scanning this barcode using their smartphones can identify whether documents are the most recent version - thus improving the quality
of information used on site.
*** 19/04/2013 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been improved added ability to sort some of the tables locally - after the page has been delivered.
This was achieved using some code provided by SIL of kryogenix.org - Thank you Stuart!
*** 03/04/2013 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been improved with the ability to upload attachments with commas and quotes in their names.
*** 14/08/2012 ***
EasyDoc has been improved with the ability to sort the document register by the reason for issue.
*** 01/06/2012 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been improved for end users doing uploads and submissions.
Where users enter document numbers that match existing entries in the project - the system will offer validation against revisions, document types etc.
*** 24/04/2012 ***
EasyWorks has been improved allowing for despatch totals to exceed 9 million.
*** 04/01/2012 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been updated to allow users more client side validation of filenames in Google Chrome and FireFox browsers.
*** 03/01/2012 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been updated to allow users to open new functions in tabbed windows.
*** 17/11/2011 ***
EasyWorks, RollStud & OpTech have all been updated to work with Sage Accounts 2012.
*** 02/07/2011 ***
DocElite Web Interface now has a 'I don't know the originator!' Search function for users not familiar with a particular project.
*** 01/07/2011 ***
DocElite Web Interface now incorporates 'Tick and Issue' for Administrators, whereby they can pick documents in the main register and then issue them immediately - instead of using the 'List Awaiting Issue' function first.
*** 15/04/2011 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to allow for variable length document prefixes to be used.
*** 11/03/2011 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to enable administrators to a batch of documents directly into the document register.
*** 18/02/2011 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to enable administrators to update the status of documents automatically when they change the lead reviewer.
*** 20/11/2010 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to enable the entry of a 'Blind Copy' for companies and individuals - enabling Administrators to get visibility of emails sent by the system.
*** 12/11/2010 ***
The reporting for DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to allow users to extract lists of documents based on the originator groups.
*** 29/09/2010 ***
The reporting for administrators of the DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to allow them to update all the narratives associated with reasons for issue replacing XXX with YYY.
*** 21/09/2010 ***
The DocElite Web Interface has been upgraded to allow administrators to stop documents automatically falling into the 'List Awaiting Issue' after approval by the Lead Reviewer.
*** 20/07/2010 ***
In the 'pipeline' : DocElite Web Interface to be given the ability to mark documents 'Eyes Only' and restrict their visibility to users sent them.
*** 20/07/2010 ***
DocElite Web Interface enhanced to allow administrators to issue and distribute documents directly from the
'List of Documents Awaiting Issue' - thus allowing them to issue a few, return to the list and issue different combinations.
*** 12/05/2010 ***
DocElite Web Interface enhanced to allow for 'public' projects - where any existing user of a portal can gain access to a project which might
hold standard details, or other documentation, without having to log out and back in again.
*** 09/03/2010 ***
EasyPO released into the wild for smaller companies who need a simple way to raise and track Sub-Contract and Purchase Orders.
*** 19/01/2010 ***
EasyWorks updated to allow a user defined label for the 'Material Due' date - enabling users to relabel it to 'Expt. Del.' for example.
*** 18/01/2010 ***
Second high speed link in place for continued migration of portals for the web interface for DocElite for a project in Newport, and we have started migrating portals to high speed link.
*** 14/01/2010 ***
Wates Contruction has adopted the web interface for DocElite for a project in Newport, and we have started migrating portals to high speed link.
*** 10/01/2010 ***
Finedata are proud to announce the release of TenderDepot: a simple, flexible and above all speedy way to deliver large numbers of documents to tenderers over the Internet.
*** 12/10/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been developed to avoid problems with clients' local PC, and proxy servers in the infrastructure, from cacheing active content.
*** 18/09/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been enhanced to allow administrators to select 'No Print Shop' while distributing documents
rather than being asked the question during the process.
*** 16/09/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to allow users to 'tick off' print shop requests that have been 'dealtwith'.
*** 20/06/2009 ***
Snagging has been added to DocElite - both the thick client and the web interface!.
Users can now set up snag types, phases, plots and rooms (and call any of those something else!) then raise snags, which are notified to web users.
Those web users can then action the snags and the adminstrator can close them out.
Really Easy to set-up, use and manage - great for trade contractors, with quick access via the web interface!
*** 29/04/2009 ***
For an explanation of Document Prefixes from an administrator's perspective, Click here to download this pdf file
*** 28/04/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to enable the use of document number prefixes - thereby improving
the clarity of information presented to users and minimising the number of documents included in search results.
For an explanation of how this works, Click here to download this pdf file
*** 27/03/2009 ***
DocsPro has been updated - improving the layout and flexibility of the Approvals Distribution Report.
Users can now specify whether or not to include documents not submitted for approval and recipients not expected to review.
*** 16/03/2009 ***
New 'On the Drawing Board' system! Promis a simple asset management and inspection system for properties.
This system has been designed to allow individual assets to be tagged and then inspected using barcodes.
*** 26/02/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to enable administrators to update the issue details of individual documents
after they have been distributed, but before end users are notified - from within the transmittal details.
*** 18/02/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to enable administrators to use the non-default printshop when issuing documents.
This enables them to request the printing of documents from a company local to a project site - even when they are working remotely.
*** 12/02/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to allow administrators to enter narrative against each of the recipients of documents
as they are being issued. Also added ability to copy companies between projects on the same portal and to copy users from one project to another.
*** 14/01/2009 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to allow access to the various 'laminates' (one page instruction guides) helpong users
get to grip with new features and general operation of system.
*** 11/09/2008 ***
The Lifting Equipment inspection system Buchan06 has been updated to export spreadshets of all those reports which did not previously do so.
*** 10/09/2008 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to give more information about odd filenames that are difficult to download.
Also a Site Requisition section has been added to help site teams and buyers work together.
*** 03/09/2008 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been enhanced to support the Google Chrome browser.
*** 23/05/2008 ***
DocElite has been enhanced to allow for a simple import/export routine of the document distribution profile - called a distribution plan.
Also added ability to print pdf files from a simple viewer.
*** 02/04/2008 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been enhanced to allow administrators to update/multi-edit documents sitting in the 'List Awaiting Issue'.
*** 14/03/2008 ***
Following discussions with ZapDigital (repro house in Guildford), we have updated both the scanning program for the web interface for DocElite and DocElite itself to try and determine the actual size and number of pages included within third party uploads of PDF files.
This should improve the quality of information given to repro houses by DocElite Print Shop Requests and reduce instances of mis-ordering document copies in inappropriate sizes.
*** 15/02/2008 ***
Both the scanning program for the web interface for DocElite and DocElite itself have been updated to allow for the attachment of underlying documents when sending out alerts via WebElite for new and updated RFIs etc.
*** 08/02/2008 ***
EasyWorks has been updated to allow the entry of a 'Send To' recipient in despatch notes - so that an order for one branch of a customer can be delivered to another one.
*** 07/02/2008 ***
The scanning program for the web interface for DocElite has been updated to produce thumbnails of uploaded PDF files - to make the process of approval more efficient.
*** 25/01/2008 ***
The web interface for DocElite has been updated to allow administrators to upload multiple photographs and complete the details afterwards.
*** 17/01/2008 ***
The DocElite web interface has been enhanced to enable administrators to 'merge' documents from the same originator.
*** 07/12/2007 ***
The InTouchPro has been enhanced to make use of copy and paste facility during installation.
*** 25/10/2007 ***
The DocElite web interface has been enhanced to enable administrators to revise multiple documents at the same time - and then bulk upload the appropriate attachments.
*** 07/08/2007 ***
DocElite has been enhanced to enable the 'splitting' of Q&R sheets into revisions.
*** 27/04/2007 ***
DocElite has been upgraded - additional fields have been added to allow web users
to access more details in Query and Response sheets and to decide when the WebElite
support module sends electronic copies of transmittals and print shop requests.
*** 26/04/2007 ***
EasyDoc has been upgraded - after customer feedback - to make the main
document register take fuller advantage of the current higher resolution screens.
*** 30/03/2007 ***
DocElite Web Interface has been adopted by a major UK housebuilder:
A much enhanced version of the Web Interface for DocElite has been
launched as a managed service and adopted by a major UK housebuilder
for use on projects in the West London region.
*** 28/03/2007 ***
DocElite has been upgraded:
A Department Code has been added to print shop requests.
*** 15/03/2007 ***
DocElite has been upgraded:
A Photo Gallery has been added to store project photographs.
*** 16/01/2007 ***
EasyWorks has been upgraded:
The option up 'moving' job items up and down on the list of jobs has been added.
*** 12/01/2007 ***
DocElite has been upgraded:
The ability to use an alternative (custom) design for the Q&R sheet reports has been added.
*** 20/11/2006 ***
The Finedata Limited Website has been upgraded:
With the increasing number of users wanting to browse with Firefox, we thought it was about time we switched from writing for MS Internet Explorer and
rejig www.finedata.com to be completely viewable with Firefox.
So we have!
No small feat, but well worthwhile!
If you spot something that isn't quite right, please drop us a line.
*** 15/11/2006 ***
Buchan06 has been upgraded:
Buchan06 has been brought into line with the our recent developments - by removing the need to use an external program to open and create .zip files (used for back-up and data transfer).
DocElite has been upgraded:
DocElite has had a structural upgrade, adding more support for the web interface - allowing administrators to decide
which users can see which type of Query and Response sheets, as which sections of the sheets will be readable on the
web interface.
*** 25/09/2006 ***
EasyWorks has been upgraded:
Added ability to use 'gaps' in despach note items - so deleting no 3 and reentering it puts it back in '3'
Also added ability to move items up and down the list and to see the job items being delivered from the list of despach notes
*** 11/09/2006 ***
DocElite has been upgraded:
Modified layout of e-mailed version of document transmittal - to include recipients contact name and company name
Added ability to review remote user list in both username and 'Known As' order - also put message on document submission
attachment add form to prevent users from not linking documents and files accidently
Started mods to support global numbering for Q&A sheets - and added category codes for query & response sheet types
Added disk icons to transmittal details form - to help people identify documents without attachments
Added delay when creating printshop zip file - on some networks it was too fast to work properly
Added a pause to the compression of attachments for CopyShop requests - some very large files are taking
a LOT of time.
Also added ability to cc the request to other people, and put the request number in the subject line
far as the TQs themselves were concerned
Enhanced preparation of print shop requests to allow exclusion of zip attachments
and provide more feedback when attachment files do not exist or some documents have no attachments
Modified preparation of print shop requests to create zip file for attachments - even
if copyshop is not expected to have it emailed - so it can be 'picked-up' from web site
Improved 'find' feature for documents to do 'rough' matches and allow for the originator
to be omitted. Also added system updates to the pick database form and improved the handling
of out of date systems
Extended size of email address fields to 100 characters (from 50) to allow for more than
one address. Also added notes and comment to POPLO table (for print shop requests) to allow
for the narratives to be saved with the request.
Added report option to TQ sheets to enable reporting on historically late returns
also added a modified report from docspro to report on review comments returned late
*** 08/08/2006 ***
DocElite has been upgraded, output from 'Documents Not Issued' report can now be directed to the 'List Awaiting Issue'.
*** 07/08/2006 ***
DocElite has been upgraded, to include SMTP authentication for outgoing e-mails where required.
*** 04/08/2006 ***
DocElite has been upgraded, to allow full-access users to run the output of the 'Current Documents' report directly into
the 'List of Documents Awaiting Issue'. Additionally, the 'List of Documents Awaiting Issue' has been given a second report format - which
details the revision in the list, plus details of the revision prior to that and its distribution.
*** 28/07/2006 ***
DocElite has been upgraded, because some organisations enforce a very rigorous approach to the receipt of e-mails
with attachments, and do not allow .htm files to pass through their defences, DocElite now generates two versions
of the attached transmittals when e-mailing, one with a .txt extension - which users can rename to use locally.
*** 14/07/2006 ***
DocElite has been upgraded, it now features a 'test connectivity' option to help with the setting up of e-mail server details.
Also the user interface for Query & Response sheets has been enhanced - with DocElite now remembering the column widths for each document type
within each project.
*** 12/06/2006 ***
The Construction versions of EasyDoc, DocsPro and DocElite have all been upgraded!
They have all been given the ability to describe selected document sizes as 'Blind' - which works in a similar fashion to 'Blind' reasons for issue.
When you issue documents and their size is 'Blind' (say A3 or A4) the copies will be excluded from any print shop requests.
This means you can run off the copies of those documents locally - on your own copier, which should be less expensive than sending the documents to
a third party.
We are sure people will think of other uses for this new feature - if you do, let us know!
Just one thing, remember to modify your narrative for print shop requests to include a note saying that some sizes are not being requested - or
you could end up with a very confused Copy Shop!