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Finedata Limited - Lesson 8 Quiz
Lesson 8 - Distributing Documents.
Question 1 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
Document controllers do not normally issue documents at all.
Document controllers normally issue documents without making any record of the issue.
Document controllers normally issue documents on Tuesdays only.
Document controllers normally issue documents before registering them.
Document controllers normally issue documents as soon as possible after registering them.
Question 2 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
The distribution of documents is always decided by the architect.
The distribution of documents always falls to the security guards at the main gate.
The distribution of documents may or may not be the document controllers responsibility.
The distribution of documents always the document controllers responsibility.
The distribution of documents is never the document controllers responsibility.
Question 3 - A document controller may use which of the following to assist in deciding the distribution of a document:
A mattress.
A mastif.
A matrix.
A coin.
A fortune teller.
Question 4 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
Documents should continue to be sent to contractors who have finished their work.
Documents should continue to be sent to unsuccessful tenderers.
Documents should not be sent to contractors who have completed their work.
Documents should always be sent to all contractors, regardless of discipline or reason for issue.
Documents which are larger than A3 should not be distributed at all.
Question 5 - Which of these statements is generally INCORRECT:
Matrices can be useful in deciding the distribution of documents.
Documents can only ever be sent to the people specified by the architect - no internal distribution is permissible.
Architects may well suggest the minimum distribution of documents.
Where a trade contractor has received one revision of a document it is normal to send them the subsequent one.
Where a trade contractor has completed their work it is normal to stop sending them documents.
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