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Finedata Limited - Lesson 6 Quiz
Lesson 6 - Receiving Documents - Actions Before Registering Them.
Question 1 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
It is a good idea to let engineers use documents before they are registered.
Incoming transmittals should be checked for missing documents.
It can be safely assumed that all the documents on an incoming transmittal have, in fact, been received.
Where documents are missing, the document controller should take no action.
Documents received without a transmittal note should be ignored.
Question 2 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
Where an incoming transmittal has no reference number the document controller should always return the documents to the originator.
Where a document is received without a transmittal note, the document controller will not be able to register it.
Incoming transmittals should normally be checked for damaged documents.
Incoming transmittals never contain duplicate entries.
Checking incoming transmittals is a waste of time.
Question 3 - If a pile of documents is received form the design team, and the transmittal note has no reference a document controller might:
Send the documents back with a strong letter of complaint.
Devise a transmittal reference of their own - using the initials of the originator and a sequential number.
Use the number from another transmittal note from the same originator.
Use the number from another transmittal note from another originator.
Open the bottom draw of the filing cabinet again, and hide the documents in there.
Question 4 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
Documents are sometimes submitted with the title block not completed.
All incoming documents are issued 'For Construction' by their originators.
Where an incoming transmittal is for a completely different project, the document controller should register it without query.
A1 size documents should not be registered.
Sample sheets cannot be registered.
Question 5 - Which of these statements is generally INCORRECT:
Incoming documents should be checked for damage carefully before registration.
Transmittal reference numbers can be a help when looking for documents later.
Incoming transmittals may provide clues as to the reason documents have been submitted.
Incoming transmittals normally have some form of reference number on them.
Incoming documents need not be registered if they are only A4 size.
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