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Finedata Limited - Lesson 5 Quiz
Lesson 5 - Document Review and Approval
Question 1 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
An approval document that is rejected completely is generally given a status 'B'.
An approval document that is deemed satisfactory for construction is generally given a status 'C'.
'C' status documents can be issued to trade contractors for construction.
'B' status documents are expected to be revised and resubmitted with comments incorporated.
'A' status documents are not satisfactory for construction.
Question 2 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
The design team can generally take as long as they like to review documents submitted for approval.
The member of the design team known as a lead reviewer is expected to co-ordinate the approval of documents sent to him.
Document approval is easy and can be carried out in a relaxed fashion on all projects.
Documents received for approval should not normally be returned to the originator with comments.
Trade contractors' method statements are not normally subject to the review process.
Question 3 - If a trade contractors' document is received from a member of the design team, rather than from the trade contractor direct, with comments what might a document controller do with it:
If it has an 'A' status - issue it to other trade contractors for construction.
Return a copy of the document, with the comments, to the trade contractor.
Make a note of it, but ignore the document.
Send it back to the design team querying what to do with it.
Leave it alone for a while, it's probably not important.
Question 4 - Which of these statements is generally CORRECT:
Documents submitted for approval are generally not important.
Documents in the approval cycle, but not yet approved, can be issued to anyone for construction.
Documents in the approval cycle, but not yet approved, can normally be issued for information.
Documents submitted for approval are usually heavier than regular documents.
New revisions of approval documents are never received while old revisions are still being considered.
Question 5 - Which of these statements is generally INCORRECT:
Document controllers are usually expected to 'chase' lead reviewers for outstanding approval documents.
A methodical approach to approval documents makes the process harder.
Approval documents which are not reviewed on time may result in financial claims from trade contractors.
New revisions of approval documents are sometimes received while old revisions are still being considered.
Trade contractors normally submit approval documents, rather than the design team.
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