0.02 | BH | 31/08/2016 | ** 12CH.002 BH 30/08/2016 Modified cost report to allow zero detail lines to be left out
** 12CH.002 BG 29/07/2016 Created logo files for FLO and added options to logo selections for them
** 12CH.002 BF 21/07/2016 Modified the way achive unlet costs are calculated to ensure they are contract related - instead of random
** answers and zero values
** 12CH.002 BE 21/04/2016 Modified the way NICL items are treated to allow for unlet packages
** 12CH.002 BD 21/04/2016 Modified the way NICL items are treated in the source document list SRDLIST
0.02 | BC | 05/02/2016 | Modified the way Account allocations are presented for mod/add in source document allocations |
0.02 | BB | 28/01/2016 | Modified the way contract account allocations are presented for mod/add to enable really big numbers to be dealt with |
0.02 | Z | 16/04/2015 | Added XCHTS, XEXPS and XEPPS term to allow users to select signature line for instructions, also moved the continued to below the box |
0.02 | Y | 02/03/2015 | Added XTEMP abr term to allow users to select templates for instructions |
0.02 | X | 09/09/2014 | Bug-fix: Package gain / loss report summing con_con twice on archive |
0.02 | D | 05/10/2012 | ** 12CH.002 D 05/10/2012 Modified the accounts report export to excel to scale the unlet scope against the unlet scope at award allocation (which had strangely gone back to pre 12CH.001 U setting)
** 12CH.002 C 20/07/2012 Added ability to read a package specific template for instructions in word
0.02 | B | 13/07/2012 | Modified layout of source document summary report to include package name/description |
0.02 | A | 21/06/2012 | Noted bug, when using T function within package to get current status, the flag that causes a recount was bing set to stop the recount |
0.02 | | 21/06/2012 | Modified XL export of accounts info to move contingency and unlet scope to their own lines, with the data in the cost column |
0.01 | AA | 20/06/2012 | Modified XL export of accounts info to add accounts and sources records when allocations exist that are not in the contract defaults |
0.01 | Z | 20/06/2012 | Modified XL export of accounts info to filter out zero entries more effectively |
0.01 | Y | 12/06/2012 | Modified XL export of accounts info to include allocations where there is cost but no value and the user selects to ignore 0 value/costs |
0.01 | X | 12/06/2012 | Modified XL export of accounts info to move awad cost column to the left one column |
0.01 | W | 06/06/2012 | Modified the way variations replace estimated budget figures on agreed variations - to follow lock instructions
12CH.001 V 22/05/2012 Modified XL export from cost report in account breakdown format to enable a P6 compatible export - look for XP6 terminology
Modified XL export from account allocation export to include more descriptive fields and filter zero values |
0.01 | U | 09/05/2012 | Modified the accounts report export to excel to scale the unlet scope against the unlet scope at award allocation
** Also mofied the report to allow for packages being cost managed - which was causing a crash
12CH.001 T 04/05/2012 Bug-fix: Adding provisional sums in twice on package allocation to accounts
** Also fixed bug in allocating contingency in same report |
0.01 | S | 01/05/2012 | Bug-fix: When running cost report by account code, system listing companies without allocations at random |
0.01 | R | 10/04/2012 | Added option to prompt for financial details when adding new instructions based on a Y in the terminology abbreviation for XCFIN |
0.01 | Q | 29/03/2012 | Altered auto allocation to always make sure that all Sallocat records also have an allocati to to match
Modified CAALREPT to ignore values in tender to budget variations - as they have already been accounted for in the contract value |
0.01 | P | 29/03/2012 | Altered auto allocation to always add allocati record when adding sallocat one - as report expects both |
0.01 | O | 28/03/2012 | Improved auto allocation to zero existing defaults before writing in new values |
0.01 | N | 28/03/2012 | Bug-Fix: repeating contract values over and over on allocation reports |
0.01 | M | 28/03/2012 | Bug-Fix: not scanning accounts correctly in allocation reports |
0.01 | L | 28/03/2012 | Added feature to allocate missing monies to default account code |
0.01 | K | 27/03/2012 | Added Contract Value and Cost allocation lines to export below. |
0.01 | J | 23/03/2012 | ** 12CH.001 J 23/03/2012 Added value allocation to export below
** 12CH.001 I 23/03/2012 Added contract and aka_code to csv output from cost account allocation log report
** 12CH.001 H 23/03/2012 Added contract and aka_code to csv output from cost log report
0.01 | G | 09/03/2012 | Fixed problem caused by 'tidying' where by constants case was changed |
0.01 | F | 05/03/2012 | Modified project gain / loss report again - error in column 16 for project total, and added ability to change sort order |
0.01 | E | 15/02/2012 | Continued modification of project gain / loss report again - to pick up archive cost data correctly |
0.01 | D | 15/02/2012 | Modified project gain / loss report again - to pick up archive cost data correctly |
0.01 | C | 14/02/2012 | Modified project gain / loss report again - to pick up archive data correctly - also modified the scanning on archive variations to check against archive source document status was incorrectly comparing current source document status |
0.01 | B | 13/02/2012 | Modified project gain / loss report to more closely match criteria for value with cost report |
0.01 | A | 13/02/2012 | Modified project gain / loss report to properly filter out tender to budget numbers |