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Modification Log for Changes

To help you decide if you want to update your copy of Changes to the latest version, we are pleased to present a summary of the recent changes.

If you need more information, or a trial version, contact at Finedata - details are in the 'Contacting Us' section of this website.
0.01H20/09/2011Bug-Fix: Same problem as F below - but in the 'screen form' of summing variations
0.01G02/09/2011Bug-Fix: Not summing correct value for second and subsequent variations on crf list
0.01F02/09/2011Bug-Fix: tested for TRANSFERS by accident not TENDERS!
0.01E02/09/2011Modified CRF List to exclude TTB variations (by fund or type)
0.01D31/08/2011Modified pkg gain/loss report to exclude TTB variations (by fund or type)
** 11CH.001 C 25/08/2011 Modified calculation of budgets to include fund type trigger for 'Tender to Budget' variations
** Modified cost report to output more details into the .csv version
** 11CH.001 B 30/06/2011 Put Icon back on screen.
** Started work on export for potential import to a LOR spreadsheet for the CRF list
** 11CH.001 A 30/06/2011 Bug fix: New version number caused problem with check against database version - now resolved
0.01 10/06/2011Added new field GROUPCO to contracts table to help split out EXPAND and CHT for CRF Reporting