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Modification Log for Changes

To help you decide if you want to update your copy of Changes to the latest version, we are pleased to present a summary of the recent changes.

If you need more information, or a trial version, contact at Finedata - details are in the 'Contacting Us' section of this website.
0.11C08/04/2011Added option for a summary sheet to tender to budget report - and included same in excel output
Modified contract editing to warn user if contract finalised, applied to source documents too
Put in place option to 'approve' remaining variations should contract be finalised
Modified the creation of new variation (allocations) for source documents so that they try and find
a variation type that matches the source document type - rather than going for the default
Added tender to budget report
0.11A17/02/2011Added error handling for when running ch3templmod to update excel documents
0.09G01/12/2010Changed the column H on the standard cost report to always pro rata the current unlet scope figure instead of using the unlet at award number
0.09F15/11/2010Reversed the calculation of difference in gain/loss for previous period in cost report column 16
0.09E04/11/2010Stopped cost report adding unlet scope into award value for unlet packages (because amount is already in the unlet scope column)
0.09D04/11/2010Modified the way unlet scope is calculated for cost reports - discrepency when system not set to run down unlet scope at award
0.09C28/10/2010Modified the way award is calculated for cost reports - discrepency when splitting down by account code became apparent
0.09B30/09/2010Added ability to export source document list to excel
Revised calculation of unlet scope column in cost report - to compare unlet scope at award with itself, rather than the current unlet element
Remove unlet scope at award from contract cost at award so that allocation can be corrected
0.09A20/08/2010Completed adding folio/account breakdown for unlet scope at award,
also modified cost report to extract ALL the columns for the data taken from the
archive - so that a comparision can be made.
Modified PKG gain/loss report to shift Unlet Scope section to above Contingency
Swapped position of unlet scope and pending changes in folio summary report (and cost log) and split summary by allocation to account
Swapped added unlet scope after pending changes in cost control log and split summary by allocation to account
0.09 02/07/2010Started work on adding folio/account breakdown for unlet scope at award
0.08C01/07/2010Modified serilist to add in pending variations and change sort order
Modified printing of logos to pick up from data folder
Added updating of cost allocations when creating variations from source documents
0.08B25/05/2010Bug-fix: problem adding pending variations - let scope variable unefined
0.08A24/05/2010Modified the way unlet scope assignments are factored into ffc calculations and the moved the assignment split until after the variation status is set.
0.07E13/05/2010Took variations funded from tender out of client changes on cost report (to stop numbers being doubled up)
0.07D12/05/2010Modified column headings in export to excel for serilist
0.07C23/04/2010Bug-fix: Calculation of archived cost figures doubling up costs for unlet scope where packages unlet and variations used to calculate unlet scope
0.07B23/04/2010Small mod in source document allocation wizard - unlet packages with source documents of transfer type not funded from tender money were running down unlet scope but also including the cost in the cost log - which doubled up the run down effect
0.06N13/03/2010Modified standard cost report to ensure the comparison with archived values includes the award for let packages
0.06M08/03/2010Modified standard cost report to process margin when using activity for breakdown
0.06G27/01/2010Added construction contingency into archive element of cost report broken down by activity code