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Modification Log for Changes

To help you decide if you want to update your copy of Changes to the latest version, we are pleased to present a summary of the recent changes.

If you need more information, or a trial version, contact at Finedata - details are in the 'Contacting Us' section of this website.
0.06E14/01/2010Modified source document breakdown report to include a gain/loss column and optionally add in any unallocated source documents
0.06A01/12/2009Added access to narratives from contractor instruction report
0.06 24/11/2009Added report layout features to account coding - for application to standard cost report
0.05D27/10/2009Modified account allocations report within cost report to split unlet scope properly for unlet packages
0.05C20/10/2009Modified account allocations report to split original & trade estimates by same ratio as reported cost
Modified all occurances of 'Trade' to be project defined TCA code
Modified all occurances of 'S/C' to be project defined TCA code
Modified cost report to indicate if a account allocation has been selected
Added descending sort order for cost account allocation report
Enlarged width of date column in cost account allocation report
Added (pro rata the split of the cost at award) contingency row to summary near top of cost allocation report
Fixed problem reading mod log from within system
0.05B15/10/2009Modified account allocations to variations to allow for selection from DACTIVIT rather than ACCOUNTS - which limits selection to those on contract (selecting outside contract definitions results in new zero value allocation at the same time.
Modified cost report to fix bug causing crash when account allocations exist
0.05A13/10/2009Modified CRFlist to ignore cancelled source documents
0.03C30/06/2009Modified processing of project and package gain / loss reports to exclude VALUE from variations related to cancelled source documents
0.03B15/05/2009Modified the way in which reported costs are copied to budgets for variations with source documents being updated by 'B' level users
0.03A14/05/2009Added ordering option to package gain/loss reports - and hence also the layout was modified slightly
0.02A07/05/2009Added ability to print multiple package gain/loss reports into one file that pageview can read
0.02 05/05/2009Added activity field to defaults table and removed all references to BCIS and replaced with PJ_ACCT_CD
0.01B08/04/2009Added XBSR_ terminilogy to control whether B level users can update source documents
0.01A07/04/2009Modified creation of new contract/package to recalc costs/value
0.01 23/02/2009Updated to 2009 version 1
Modified revision of variations to prevent printing of narratives etc when pending
Added excel export to budget/cost report, also improved layout of cost report excel export to include package preferences where no s/c order exists
Modified archive creation to do recalc of f_value before completing new archive